The Benefits Of Daily Coffee

Is coffee healthy or not? On the basis of much scientific research in recent years can be concluded that the beloved cup consolation is not so bad.

health benefits of coffee

In the past 30 years, many thousands of studies on the effects of coffee on the human body. Although in the past some studies have yielded conflicting results, especially to recent research startling conclusions. 

From the large flow of It seems that coffee consumption reduces the risk of the disease Alzheimer's , Parkinson's , diabetes and some cancers. Coffee can memory functions improve and provides important antioxidants, similar to that of dark chocolate and blueberries. 8 reasons to drink coffee daily: 

1: Coffee Alzheimer inhibits A series of studies in recent years seems to show between a strong connection drinking coffee and lower risk of disease Alzheimer's later in life. 

A study from the University of South Florida did there a few months ago a large step further: coffee could even cure Alzheimer's. The study was conducted in mice. When people would drinking 5 cups of coffee per day clumping of the harmful amyloid protein in the brains can stop. The scientists involved say that more research is needed and that caffeine could potentially be used as a drug against Alzheimer's. 

2: Coffee reduces risk of Parkinson's disease who daily coffee drinking reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease . That would mainly be due to the caffeine. Some studies indicate that the risk of Parkinson fall further as more coffee is drunk. 

3: Coffee protects against cancer Coffee, according to a large number of scientific studies a small inhibitory effect on some forms of cancer . Work as two cups of coffee per day protective against liver cancer and the formation of gallstones , according to a large Japanese study. Other studies are strong evidence that drinking coffee daily the chances of bladder cancer and cancer of the colon reduces by about 20%. The chlorogenic acid in coffee might be responsible for this, but scientists believe that many other substances play a role in coffee. 

4: Coffee protects against type 2 diabetes compared with those who never or rarely drink coffee, people who daily two cups of coffee per day drink a smaller chance of getting type 2 diabetes mellitus . The beneficial effect applies to both regular coffee as for coffee without caffeine. Researchers believe that the anti-oxidant chlorogenic acid in coffee causes a delay in the absorption of sugar (glucose) in the intestines. This avoids the body produces less of the hormone insulin to create a high blood sugar at bay. Moreover, coffee stimulates the production of insulin and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. This series of securities reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus . Remarkably, coffee, some people who already have diabetes, blood glucose values ??in the war can send. Therefore, it is for diabetics to consult their dietitian about drinking coffee recommendation advice. 

5: Cardiovascular disease. Coffee Drinking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease not. It was long suspected that coffee could be harmful but that it had to do with older statistical studies that also occurred many smokers. New, large recent studies among non-smokers, among other things, the Harvard Medical School, bring no negative correlation to light between coffee drinking and cardiovascular health. There are indications for small positive influences. Thus people 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day daily drinking have a smaller chance of getting heart disease than people who do not drink coffee. 

6: Coffee and blood pressure Contrary to what has long been thought of coffee in healthy people are not or hardly any effect on the blood pressure . However, the blood pressure by caffeine hit slightly increased in people who rarely or not drink coffee and then suddenly drinking several cups. It can also speed up the heart rate with them. If the body is accustomed to coffee also disappears the light pressor effects, scientists say. People with high blood pressure may caffeinated coffee or permanently raising the blood pressure slightly. Coffee without caffeine might be a solution. 

7: Alerter by coffee Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system . It improves concentration, memory functions and the ability to reason logically. Coffee increases the reaction and allows the brains easier to switch between different tasks. But take you in a short time a large dose of caffeine, you shoot your target. It is then just harder to concentrate and stay calm. Coffee is also not conducive to sleep. Caffeine blocks namely the action of adenosine, a substance in your body that causes you to be sleepy. 

8: Coffee increases speed and endurance Although caffeine is not seen as a drug, in the sports world in small quantities, the caffeine in coffee is indeed the speed and the contraction strength increase of muscles. Research shows that muscles with caffeine less fatigued and greater endurance. That probably has to do with the calcium metabolism in muscle cells. The reaction rate and strength of muscles of trained athletes improves noticeably according to scientists by a half hour to an hour before exercise to drink. 2 to 4 cups of coffee

keywords: coffee, health, alzheimers, dementia, cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer

The Benefits Of Daily Coffee Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


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