Healthy Food Tips and Prevent Disease

What is healthy food?

Healthy food is a variety of fresh and pure from all food groups, without the fat, cholesterol, sugar and excess salt. Good high fiber foods.

Achieve and maintain ideal body weight.
Reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary heart disease.
Reduce the likelihood of infectious diseases.
Healthy Eating Practices Guide

Eat a variety of foods from all groups (as recommended by the food pyramid).
Plenty of foods containing grains, cereals and legumes.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
Reduce sugar, salt and fat.
Consider portion sizes consumed with daily activities.
Drink plenty of plain water at least eight glasses a day.
Tips to Reduce Fat and Cholesterol Intake

Remove all visible fat on meat and poultry including chicken skin.
Eat less internal organs such as liver, kidney and stomach.
Choose milk and low-fat dairy products or lean.
Eat less cake that much fat, sugar or milk.
Cooking with grilling, steaming and boiling.
Tips to Reduce Sugar Consumption

Reduce foods / drinks sweet.
Eat fresh foods such as fruit desserts.
Tips on Reducing Salt Intake

Reduce the use of salt in cooking.
Reduce the use of materials such as flavor enhancer sauce, oyster sauce and tomato sauce.
Reduce preserved foods such as salted fish and pickled vegetables.
Reduce processed foods like chips, crackers and sardines.
Foods That Can Increase Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Eating excess fat.
Eating too much or exceed the requirements.
Frequent eating high-calorie foods.
Salt and sugar.

Healthy Food Tips and Prevent Disease Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


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