Treating Your Sunburn

Here are few home remedies that you can use to treat your sunburn skin:

Mayonnaise Sauce: Yes, It is not just great to taste but it contains soothing particles that help your skin to treat sunburn. Mayonnaise sauce is believed to be one of the best natural skin moisturizer. You can apply it on the affected area and massage gently for next few minutes. Leave it there for couple of more minutes and then rinse off with cold water. You will have a soothing skin effect. Use this therapy for next few days, three to four times a day and you will see the difference.

Aloe Vera: The Aloe Vera gel like juice is the best remedy for sunburn. It eliminates the redness and sting sensations out of the body. It is easily available in many different forms like plant or a gel contained in a small jar. It compresses the blood vessels. You just have to apply the gel directly to the affected area and you have to apply for more than five times a day for next couple of days to get the best results. 

Take a shower: You will have to add few tbsp. of baking soda into the cold water and then take a bath with that water. It is one of the oldest and most effective home remedies for sunburn. Makes sure you do not soak yourself for more than ten minutes. Soaking for more than this could really harm your skin. Do not wipe yourself with the towel, just sit down, relax and let the air do the work. Do not add any kind of soap, oils or bubble bath. Another way to do this is to add oatmeal in your bathing water. Mix it well and soak yourself for next ten minutes after that rinse yourself with cool water and let air dry you up. This will give you the immediate soothing effect. Bathing in milk is another way to treat sunburn effectively if youdo not mind spending a little bit money. Soak yourself in the milk for next few minutes to relieve your skin from itchy and stingy sensation. Milk will give you the soothing effect and will treat the affected area real fast. This has been the quickest way to treat sunburn. 

Cool Compress: Soak a washcloth or a towel in cool water, keep it there for few minutes and then apply it to the affected area. Remember you don’t have to apply ice cubs to the sun burnt area. Repeat the movement several times throughout the day for effective results. Keep the water cool so that it can give your skin the soothing sensation. 

Drink Water: Drink, as much water as you can cause your skin is dehydrated. The body fluid levels have dropped down so chug a lot of cool water throughout the day to keep you hydrated and maintain the body temperature otherwise you will also start feeling dizzy. 

Potato: It has been tested and used for many years now. It is very easy to apply and it gives great results. It eliminates the pain to its maximum.Just peel down the potatoes and blend them in a blender. Once you see that it has shaped a liquid form apply it on your skin, add water if you like. Keep it there until it is dry and then rinse it off with cool water. Repeat this multiple times a day and you will experience the pain reduction. 

Here you go few home remedies that you can try to cure your sun burnt skin without any harmful side effects that you might get from medications.

Bio: Morris York is the Editor-in-Chief at a Health magazine and has contributed his articles to several Health based blogs. He is currently working for an assignment over men’s health issues and finds this website very interesting where you can buy generic viagra at lowest prices.

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