Yes, the best answer in fighting signs of aging can be right in your very eye. It’s in the food you eat! But it isn’t in the food alone but in your choice of food. Of course you have to rule out fast food meals, overly preserved food products and other fat laden food. The secret is to go au naturel.
Reasons Why Aging Sometimes Sets at an Early Age
There may be reasons why our generation today may look a bit older groom its counterpart a couple of decades ago. Main reason would be the onset of modernization and the things it brought. Here are some reasons of early signs of aging:
1. Bad diet. You may be eating too much preservative but they don’t help in preserving much your youth. Plus you may have had accumulated all the harmful fats in your system. It has great effects not only in your skin but also in your whole system.
2. Environment. This would include all the harmful oxidants. The harmful sun rays plus the changing weather can contribute a lot to aging. Pollution and exposure to harmful chemicals may also be a factor.
3. Inactivity. Being lazy doesn't help you stay young, believe me. Exercise can do you good plus it keeps you look young and feel young as well.
4. Heredity. Sometimes your genes a plays a great role too. Some genes dictate you to look older fast and some may be keeping you younger. You can’t alter that unless you undergo gene therapy. But then again you can counter that through helping yourself stay healthy.
5. Vices. Things such as nicotine, alcohol, drugs, caffeine may contribute to fast aging. Each has different effects on your skin as well as in your whole system.
What are the Usual Signs of Aging?
Signs of aging as I have said may come out early and may cause hassle. So to keep it at bay, you should know the signs as well as the remedies. Here are some signs that may come in handy:
1. Memory lapses. Sometimes you forget little things and sometimes big things. When you get older, your brain cells starts to diminish. This can be a bad sign of aging and you need to address it fast.
2. Less effective organs. This may include your internal organs and internal processes. Like your kidney, sometimes due to abuse, it may not function as it functions before. Or your digestive track, your heart, your liver. They may be a bit weaker and needs more taking care of.
3. Less sleep. Less quality sleep is caused by some chemical processes in your body.
4. Wrinkles. This is the main way of telling signs of aging. It can occur in the face, or any other part of the body. Mostly, the most seen part is the, thus face wrinkling may be the first part of the body that many tries to address.
5. Dark spots, sagging, dry, patchy and gray skin. These are the major things that can tell your signs of aging. They mostly are getting more attention if it’s in the face.
6. Gray hair. Okay, this might not be as accurate because some young people may have white hair too. But mostly gray and white hair occurs to those who start to age.
Natural Food to Fight Signs of Aging
1. Olive oil. Olive oil is found out to be a great anti aging food. It is a monounsaturated fat that helps fight heart disease and cancer. It also helps in preventing other aging related diseases.
2. Nuts. Though it has a high fat level, nothing can beat the wonder that nuts can give to your body. Plus the fat it has, are good fats. It keeps your heart healthy as well as helps in keeping you sharp. Nuts also help in beautifying your skin.
3. Yogurt. Yogurt has probiotic that are natural Detoxifier. It is rich in calcium and it teems with good bacteria that helps aid in digestion and keeps your digestive track healthy.
4. Fish. Fish are the least preserved meat in the market. Fish meats are rich in omega 3 and helps prevent cholesterol.
5. Green vegetables. We grow up believing that green leafy vegetables are healthy, they are. They can combat aging as well as all other conditions that relates to it.
6. Green tea. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that can counter signs of aging and fight conditions such as heart disease, cancer and dementia.
7. Chocolates. The cocoa has flavanols that helps in preventing dementia. Drinking cocoa everyday may also lower risks of high blood pressure and maintains youthful blood vessels.
8. Wine. Wine slows down aging of your cells. Drinking it regularly but in moderation can give you so many benefits. Plus it may protect you from known heart diseases as well.
9. Berries. Berries have become popular after it has been found out to restore oxidative damages and keeps your memory sharp.
10. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are full of lycopene which is both good for the system as well as for your skin. It can protect you from so much sun burn and can smoothen your skin, best way to put off wrinkles.
All those foods are natural. Except for wine, but if possible, you can have your own wine if you have the access and the talent in making homemade one. You can make yourself natural and homemade yogurt too. All it takes is a little ingenuity in your part as well as getting to list down all you eat.
Making yourself aware of what you eat will help in keeping you aware of your fight against aging
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