Possible Complications In Plastic Surgery

Complications In Plastic Surgery

Complications In Plastic Surgery

  • Bleeding and hematoma
  • Inflammation
  • Seroma
  • Reaction at the seams
  • Cutireaction
  • Dehiscence
  • Necrosis
  • Nervous disorders
  • Anesthesia
  • Scarring

General Information About Complications In Plastic Surgery

Any surgery has a certain percentage of the risk of complications. However, in practice, an experienced surgeon complications are rare, but when they occur in time are eliminated. A plastic surgeon can and should take all steps to reduce the risk of complications both during plastic surgery and in the postoperative period to a minimum.

A plastic surgeon performs a thorough examination during the consultation and reveals whether you qualify for plastic surgery in terms of overall physical and psychological states.

You will ask what medications you are taking and if the appointments have medications that affect the speed of blood clotting, ask in advance to stop taking them. If their drug caused medical conditions, you will need to conclude your doctor.

Your plastic surgeon will instruct in detail about the features of preoperative and postoperative care. For each specific plastic surgery you will be given written materials. Proper preparation for surgery and post-operative appointments Strict compliance will reduce possible complications in plastic surgery to a minimum.

Any plastic surgery is accompanied by violation of the integrity of the skin. As a result of the cut formed scar. In most cases, it looks aesthetically pleasing. However, there is a certain percentage of cases in which a hypertrophic scar.

After reading the section of wound healing and scarring , you can learn a lot about the disposition and the processes underlying the formation of hypertrophic scars.

Complications such as hematoma (accumulation of blood in the wound), acute bleeding and seroma easy to correct if detected at an early stage.

Nerve damage can result in temporary or permanent loss of sensation of the skin, or to disruption of motor activity of the muscles. This risk does not apply to all the plastic surgery, and some operations. More information is given in the description of the specific plastic surgery.

The success of any cosmetic surgery are correct and open communication between the patient and the plastic surgeon, based on trust and completeness of the information provided, as well as careful instructions, the prescribed preparation for plastic surgery and postoperative care.

Possible Complications In Plastic Surgery Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger