Supplement Is It Need?

A study done in the United States indicates the need of supplements including vitamin intake was found between the absence of the cause of chronic diseases. The study concluded that more than 80 percent of Americans do not take the daily requirement of fruits and vegetables that provide important micronutrients.

Many assume that heart disease is a disease of the aged. This notion is not true because diet and lifestyle practices can lead to the development of heart disease and early onset of other chronic diseases.

For people in developed countries like the United States and others, consumption of fast foods such as fried foods and soft drinks that contain high sugar has become part of the daily diet practices.

A member of the Canadian Biochemical, Lyle McWilliam, say supplements are a necessity such as private health insurance. Food supplements are important for maintaining good health. He also told the crowd it difficult to choose the brand of supplements that can be trusted due to dumping of various types of supplements on the market.

Before taking supplements, they should take into account several criteria for nutrients for each food supplements are not the same. Among these criteria is to ensure whether the product contains a full spectrum of solutions able to absorb nutrients and bio-enabled. Consumers also need to know the optimal level of knowledge on the potential effectiveness as a supplement.

Complete health supplement should contain all the essential vitamins and minerals that can act to slow down the acceleration of the aging process and chronic diseases.

According to him, there are 18 key criteria used in the analysis of food supplements such as completed, potential mineral formation, heart health, metabolic health, the potential toxic health, vision, control inflammation and antioxidant support bone health.

Additional information about the food

* The Food and Drug United States (U.S. FDA) defines dietary supplements based on the Health and Education Supplement 1994 as a product that is consumed and contain supplements.

* These materials are intended, including plant food as well as amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbs.

* It also contains fibers, such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandular, and metabolites.

* These supplements can also be extracts or concentrates are available in tablets, capsules, soft gels, soft capsule, liquid or powder.

Side effects

Two main dangers of taking supplements if someone tries to diagnose himself, namely:

* Allergic reactions such as hypersensitivity,

* Excessive dose - like hipervitaminosis of excessive vitamin intake can lead to disruption in the digestive system.

Replacement material that can cause permanent damage if taken in high doses and many, such as:

* Nicotine acid - associated with cell damage.

* Phosphorus - can damage organs and tissues.

* Zinc - can damage the immune system.

* Chromium pikonulat - can cause cancer.

Supplement Is It Need? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


  1. It is surprisingly that some content/ingredient of vitamin / supplements such as zinc , nicotine acid, phosphorus and chromium pinokulat, can damage the cell, organ tissues and immune system ?
    It has to be taken into account in the future, that we consume the vit/sup not excessively.

  2. Very very good blog.

  3. Nice share, thanks for dropping by :)

  4. Buen Blog....Felicidades.

  5. Good info...thanks for stopping by at my blog....

  6. If u practice healthy lifestyle, i don't think that u need supplement..

  7. thank for visit my blog...

  8. of course, we need it..:)

  9. thanks..hope all of u got the info here :)

  10. Hi tiara. thanks for visiting my blog

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