Help Finding MAS 370 Airline Missing

Help Finding MAS 730 Airline Missing

Do you want to help the process of finding the plane MH370? Sitting front of the computer now? Nice! Digital Globe, the imaging space world now provide access to the latest images taken them in the loss of environmental MH370 on Saturday. An area of ??300 square miles include the South China Sea and the Gulf of Siam. Images from the satellite is taken using two satellites for their own a few days ago. Early on the latest satellite images are only given to teams Search and Rescue from various countries who are still actively looking for Malaysia Airlines' aircraft. Let's do something to help the process of finding the aircraft. Do not just be a keyboard warrior cursed SAR team's failure to find the plane that has lost more than 4 today. 

You can access the latest maps the ocean through the website TomNod

The Digital Globe reported there have been thousands of volunteers who helped search for the plane's debris on the surface. What are you waiting for? Do your best. Do the right thing! Be a man!

Help Finding MAS 370 Airline Missing Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


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