Mole Removal Scars Laser

Mole Removal Scars

Mole Removal Scars

Moles have long been considered a spicy adornment women. Noble ladies in Paris specially glued flies on the face of non-existent, instead of moles. Today the Medical Center "Capital" are turning patients wishing to remove a mole on his face, and especially with the request to remove moles on the nose. Modern technology of laser removal of moles can do this:

quick and painless,
no scar or scar on the place of the removed moles,
without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.

Mole Removal Scars Laser eliminates the appearance of the original location.
In medicine, most moles are called pigmented nevi . Nevi - is skin neoplasms composed most of the melanocytes (the cells that create the pigment of the skin). Moles can be a person from birth. Very often there is the appearance of moles and in life. Moles can be small (pinhead) and the size of a saucer (that's moles ).

Mole Removal Scars Laser

Their color varies from gray to black or dark brown. Pigmentation does not necessarily - many moles are flesh color. Form moles are as varied as the colors of a flat spot to clear cones, and the surface may be either smooth or rough. In some grow hair - not a dangerous sign. Moles are more common on sun exposed areas of the skin, and rarely - in a protected place. The active development of new moles and are still seeing growth during puberty (12-18 years) and during pregnancy.

The danger of moles is their ability to be reborn into malignant tumors. This is facilitated by external factors: trauma, infection nevus, prolonged exposure to the sun (especially people with very fair skin), exposure to ionizing radiation. Then harmless moles can become a cause of malignant tumors, including skin cancer and melanoma. Melanoma - the most malignant and rapidly progressive tumor. In the presence of moles or the appearance of the open areas of the body need to be protected from the sun - the rejection of long lying on the beach and use a cream with sunscreen. Should be treated cautiously for beach recreation Blonde, people with blue, gray, green eyes, and the more albinos who tan just indicated, as they are completely vulnerable to ultraviolet rays.

Symptoms of benign moles: uniform color, smooth straight edges that do not change color and size.

Signs that should cause concern: an increase, change in color moles (including red, white, and bluish black color) and any changes to the structure of the surface - cracking, flakes, liquid discharge, bleeding, or thickening. Color spots at the borders of a mole are considered particularly ominous sign. In this case, moles (nevi) should be tested for malignancy.

"Health", unmodified moles usually do not need treatment. In some cases you may need to remove them (for example, at very large sizes or constant exposure to injury due to their location). Prevent the appearance of new moles impossible. Multiple appearance of new moles need to see a doctor.

Mole Removal Scars

Mole Removal Scars is not always necessary. If it suddenly increases in size (especially if rough edges), dark, inflamed, becomes spotty, begins to bleed, ulcerate, itchy or sore, you need to remove a mole. Could discover signs of changing moles - should see a doctor, oncologist. Science knows more than a hundred of cancer, but melanoma, which can regenerate a mole among them - the worst. Therefore, some doctors find it necessary to remove moles and other benign skin tumor preventive, not waiting for the cancer. In our medical center offers laser removal of moles.
After removal of moles necessarily histology tissue removed. Independent "elimination" of moles absolutely contraindicated. removal method for each particular type of pigmented spots: some moles removed electrocoagulation, laser or radionozhom, others require surgical intervention, not only in the most moles, but also to capture the adjacent healthy skin. We recommend that whenever possible Mole Removal Scars Laser.

After removal of moles is desirable to refrain from prolonged exposure to the sun.

Laser Mole Removal

Mole Removal Scars Laser - one of the most effective methods. In the laser mole removal prevents bleeding, because the vessels are sealed like a laser. This prevents the possible dispersion of the tumor cells to the bloodstream. In addition, laser mole removal is achieved significantly better cosmetic effect. If the mole is small, the laser removes it almost without a trace. After removal of moles necessarily histology tissue removed.

Choosing laser mole removal, note that laser - high-tech equipment to effectively and safely in the hands of a specialist. Refer to medical centers, the professionals!
The final choice of ways to remove moles - laser or otherwise, is a doctor and depends on the type and condition of moles.


Nevus - a birthmark that most often there is a person from birth, but can also occur with time. Nevus danger - the possibility of skin cancer. The probability of this is low, but watch yourself nevi necessary.
In the medical center "Capital" is often treated patients with a request to remove the nevus.Our methods allow for this cosmetic surgery is painless, safe, with minimal skin defect .Skin after removal of the nevus will look perfect.

Nevi in medical practice is called benign pigmented skin tumors. The people are often called nevi moles and birthmarks . Pigmented mole nevusnyh consists of cells derived from melanocytes - cells that produce pigment. If for some reason the active melanocytes, the skin appears dark spots.

Congenital nevi can be any size (0.5 cm in diameter and 10 cm or more) and have a different localization. Small spots of a danger, while the average (1.5 cm in diameter) and large able to degenerate into malignant tumors . A person who has on the body such tumors of this size should be monitored regularly by a dermatologist or oncologist. At the slightest change in their sizes, colors need to seek medical help. No special preventive measures are usually not used, except that the moles do not expose to direct UV rays. Sometimes you need to prophylactic removal.

In the formation of acquired nevi plays a major role hereditary factor. Most of them are formed on the skin in the first years of life (childhood, adolescence). Number, and sometimes the size of nevi increased especially during puberty, pregnancy.

They can be flat or have a rounded shape, rise above the skin. For acquired nevi, as well as for birth, should be carefully monitored, since they are also able to degenerate into malignant tumors. The most early signs of malignancy is a dramatic increase in the size of nevi, the appearance of subsidiary entities (small nodules on the surface of a birthmark or circle it), gain or loss of uniform pigmentation, education pigmented area around the birthmark, the appearance of dark spots in the point of the circle nevus, ulceration, bleeding.First of all, this applies to large or growing mole, change color and shape, as well as prone to mechanical injury. If you have any of these symptoms should consult a dermatologist or oncologist.

Nevi are removed not only for health reasons, but also with cosmetic purposes.

Nevus Removal

Nevi removed for medical reasons and cosmetic purposes. In any case, we first need to see a doctor or oncologist onkodermatologu. Medical conditions in the removal of nevi are: large size birthmark (more than 1.5 cm), increasing the size of nevi, the appearance of subsidiary entities (small nodules on the surface of a birthmark or in his circle), gain or loss of uniform pigmentation, education pigmented area around the birthmark spots, the appearance of age spots at point circle nevus, ulceration, bleeding. The oncologist will recommend a way to remove the nevus: electrocoagulation, radio-frequency or laser removal, or radical surgical removal of nevi within healthy tissue. After removal of the nevus ALWAYS histology tissue removed.

Nevus removal is usually performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting.
In addition, our medical center offers laser removal of age spots and laser removal of freckles .

Mole Removal Scars Laser Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


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