Long-Term Health Risks Of Laser Hair Removal

Health Risks Of Laser Hair Removal

A laser is an intense, pulsed beam of light that removes unwanted hair by passing the light beam through the skin. When light hits the hair follicle, where hair origin, heat destroys the hair follicle instantly. Used by a reputable, experienced practitioners, laser hair removal is generally safe. There are potential long-term health risks, however, that all patients should know before undertaking the procedure

Temporary side effects
Occasional side effects include pain during and after the procedure, blisters, itching, numbness, crusting or scabs formed on ingrown hairs, bruising, swelling around the area that has been treated, redness, irritation, infection and hyperpigmentation. The latter is temporary darkening of the skin in the treated area. These side effects can be from one day to several months before they disappear completely. If you have tattoos in the area of ??the body being treated, be aware that the darkening can happen with tattoos and discuss this with your doctor before undergoing laser hair removal.

Permanent side effects

potential long-term health risks of laser hair removal are rare, but they happen. They include the following: skin discolouration: Hyperpigmentation refers to darkening of the skin that can occur after laser hair removal treatment. Hypopigmentation, on the other hand, refers to strip the skin that may occur. As hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation happens more often in patients with darker skin. Although hyperpigmentation is usually reversible, hypopigmentation is not, causing a permanent lightening of the skin on the treated area. 

Patients who lack a strong contrast between the skin tone and hair color are more likely to experience permanent side effects Burns and scarring. Scars can occur when the area is treated by someone who is minimally trained or by an accidental over-treatment. If the laser is set at levels much higher than it should be, it can result in burns and blisters on the skin that eventually become permanent scars. Burn injuries occur more frequently in patients with darker skin because the skin with darker pigment absorbs laser light. 

While most cases of laser hair removal burns are mild, there have been a number of serious burns cases, sweat and oil glands. because studies have shown laser hair removal can alter skin structures such as sweat and oil glands, they can cause permanent changes in the skin of some people, especially if the burns are involved. 

Ways to minimize risks

Before you start the full process of laser hair removal, a sample made ??in a test area. After waiting a few days, hair removal practitioner determine if any rare or long-term side effects can be expected. Let your doctor know if you have any form of the herpes virus in the area you want to treat (for people with herpes, laser treatment can trigger an outbreak, as an antiviral drug can be given in advance). If you have a history of abnormal scarring, you should mention it to the practitioner before treatment. Avoid tanning or unprotected sun exposure for several weeks before your procedure. 

The results are the best and side effects less likely if the patient is in their brightest color for treatment. Your doctor may prescribe a bleaching cream for you to apply before treatment. You should avoid waxing or plucking the area for several weeks or months for best results. Take any antibiotic or antiviral drugs that can be prescribed to you and make certain that the area is clean on the day of the procedure. 

If swelling or pain afterwards, take a pain reliever such as aspirin or ibuprofen and use ice packs. An anesthetic cream can be applied to the skin prior to treatment to prevent pain. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning health bulletin from the potential hazards of anesthetic creams, which a few deaths have occurred from the use of these creams before laser hair removal. 

Since there are no standards for the licensing of laser hair removal techniques, ensuring that the clinic you visit, the latest hair removal systems. Avoid those that advertise laser hair removal prices that seem too good to be true, often an indication of lower than average quality. 

Long-Term Health Risks Of Laser Hair Removal Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


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