Valeria Levitin: The Anorexia Sufferers

Valeria Levitin (39) is the holder of the record for thin women in the world. Women's 1.72 meters tall weighs only 20.8 kilograms body. This means that she has less than half the weight of the ideal weight of a healthy woman. Valeria originating from Russia is suffering from Anorexia since his early 20's. 

Her sudden change is very tragic because Valeria a beautiful woman if not suffering from this deadly disease. If you have a friend who is suffering from Anorexia or Bulimia, please seek treatment for them because you do not want your friends to be like Valeria. The good thing about this story is Valeria now tries to recover himself and trying to be a mother. Good luck to Valeria. Hopefully she will get well!

Valeria Levitin: The Anorexia Sufferers Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: tiaratheblogger


  1. Good treatment for our health is a must.. Thanks for this nice share

  2. you refer to Valeria as a "he" in the last 2 lines.

  3. thanks all :)

    already replace he with she sorry :)

  4. nice blog, I just know a kind of this disease, hopefully she'll get weel soon.

  5. we sorry for her .she suffer from the site affect of very strong will.

  6. Oh My God.......
    it's so very afraidd...
    but I'm so sad..

    1. Anonymous6/04/2013

      Me too. I wanna cry. Is she eating and taking treatment?!?!?! Waaaaait..... she doesnt have skin. How is she eating and breathing

  7. Oh my God...... sad....
