9 Things About Face Treatment

Although it is a routine that is important but many of us are feeling treat skin a trivial thing to do.

Actually treat the skin is not as difficult as we think, but maybe because of the misinformation resulted in the case of beauty care arrangement becomes complicated. Here, some of the myths and facts you need to know about facial treatments.

1. Skin care should be done after the age of 30 years
Skin care is the process of cleaning up the dirt on the surface of the skin. Although it helps in cleaning the face, this treatment also works on blood circulation.

Thus, the selection of essential products to fit the skin. In fact, skin care is not only possible when you have entered the age of 30 years. On the other hand if your skin needs treatment, no matter you are just in his early 20's, there is nothing wrong if you want to do the treatment.

2. Aloe vera good for the skin
Aloe vera or aloe vera has a number of functions that are not only good for the skin but also the hair. What you need to know, use aloe vera or unprocessed natural face is not the right choice.

In fact, the use of aloe vera-based products either as a moisturizer, facial cleanser and night cream also does not mean your skin will always be beautiful and healthy. May also product is not compatible with your skin to give the desired results.

Therefore be careful in choosing products that contain aloe vera in it. Make sure you get expert recommendations in advance or skin specialist to ensure this aloe vera based products according to your skin.

3. '' Do'' waxing will reduce fur on the face and body
Not the impossible to remove hairs on the face and hair if you disconnect the root. But not with'' waxing''. Do'' waxing'' only on the surface and clean wool is temporary. In addition, this treatment will also cause new hair growth.

4. Doing good scrub with a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells
Our skin has a natural tendency in selsel remove dead skin, as it is one of the body fixed system. Thus, cleanse the skin with normal cleanser like soft soap without using pumice stone also helps in cleansing the body of impurities. This is because clean skin with pumice stone will result in pigmentation problems.

5. Use fruits and vegetables do not cause adverse effects
Ingredients like lemon, cucumber, tomato, and onion is a substance that is often used. Although it can help but not completely. For example, use cucumber to overcome bruising under the eyes may give effective results in some people but may not be for those who suffer from the problem caused by hormonal changes in the body. Hence, better if we know in advance the main cause of skin problems.

Using vegetables and fruits can also cause the cause of the irritation or allergy. Instead, the function of fruit is to help provide the necessary nutrients the body such as vitamins, minerals thus help improve skin health.

6. Products use natural ingredients for skin
The word natural is not necessarily it safe and not harmful to the skin. There are several herbs that are dangerous and contain toxins that can have adverse effects on the skin. Thus, before it use such materials, check first whether suits your skin, their land pengo process, the quality and type of materials used.

7. Steam is good for all skin types
Do a steam treatment to remove blackheads and white spots can give good results, provided not do more than one or two minutes. High temperatures used during treatment can cause collagen and elastin disintegrate. In fact, it also opens pores unnecessarily. In addition, not all skin types suitable for steam treatment. Some skin types are not recommended to do this treatment.

8. Skin whitening treatments will make white
Skin color is determined by the amount of melanin in your body and not through whitening or bleaching treatment. This treatment only help lighten and have a color that is compatible with your skin tone only.

9. Foreign products are better than the local
Public opinion, the selection of foreign products more effective and have better nutrition than the local product. However, what is important is that you need to know the types of products produced to ensure they are suitable for the weather conditions and the type of skin the majority of the country. It is therefore not true if there is assume more foreign products quality and air quality of local products.

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